A Longest Night Service
This service was prepared by Mark Twehues, Director of Music Ministries at San Pedro Church. But he credits the bulk of the material as coming from thepastorsworkshop.com.
A “Longest Night” service is typically supported by Christian churches in the western hemisphere. The origin of what is also referred to as, “Blue Christmas” services, is unknown. A brief survey suggests they began in America in 1990. The service usually takes place on December 21 (the Winter Solstice) years because December 21 or 22 is when daytime is the shortest period of light in the year.
The colloquial “Blue Christmas" title is meant to honor people who have lost loved ones in the past year or who are suffering from grief. The service is meant to interject the Birth of Christ and the coming of the Light into our darkness. Again, the service is for those experiencing darkness, sorrow, grief, and pain in what is otherwise a holiday or joyous season. The conflicting feelings can add to a person's guilt.
So instead of a group gathering, here is a simple guide you can follow at home. You are not alone, There are many people experiencing your hurt, and the prayer of the leadership of San Pedro is that you might find comfort in knowing our Lord came into this world not to avoid suffering, but to endure and overcome it.
To begin, light a white or simple candle.
Say the following prayer aloud:
We welcome you O Christ, Light of the World.
In the midst of my suffering, help me worship you in spirit and in truth.
Merciful God, In this season of rejoicing, I come to you weary and grieving . In this season of feasting, I hunger for healing and relief. In this season of light, my heart is veiled in sorrow and shadow . Will this season ever end?
I hear you say, 'Yes.' I hear your, 'I am with you' to those who are weary. I hear your promise to give your people rest I remember your teachings in Christ: "
Those who mourn will be comforted . Those who hunger will be filled . The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness will not overcome it." Amen
Do you have access to music? A suggested song to listen to is Breath of Heaven by Amy Grant. If you do not have access to a streaming service, try YouTube on your phone.
Scripture reading, Isaiah 11:1-5 (The Voice Translation)
On this humbled ground,
a tiny shoot, hopeful and promising, will sprout from Jesse’s stump
a branch will emerge from his roots to bear fruit.
And on this child from David’s line, the Spirit of the Eternal One will alight and rest.
By the Spirit of wisdom and discernment, He will shine like the dew.
By the Spirit of counsel and strength, He will judge fairly and act courageously.
By the Spirit of knowledge and reverence of the Eternal One,
He will take pleasure in honoring the Eternal.
He will determine fairness and equity; He will consider more than what meets the eye, And weigh in more than what he’s told. So that even those who can’t afford a good defense will nevertheless get a fair and equitable judgment. With just a word, He will end wickedness and abolish oppression. With nothing more than the breath of His mouth, He will destroy evil. He will clothe himself with righteousness and truth The impulse to right wrongs will be in his blood.
Reflect on sorrows or whatever sufferings you may be experiencing during this year. Try writing out your hurt on slips of blue paper.
I pray for the grace to bear my sufferings as Christ bore his for me With Dignity Humility Forgiveness
I pray for the grace to bear my sufferings as Christ bore his for me with compassion.
I pray for the grace to bear my sufferings as Christ bore his for me Knowing my sufferings are not like his and not like others yet shared with the universal longings of all humanity Real and Painful and Deep No need for comparison.
I pray for the grace to bear my sufferings as Christ bore his for me As Christ bore his for all All I will ever suffer All we all will ever suffer Will be made known Will be made whole Through his love and self-giving.
In this I believe
and trust
and follow
and hope In this I am made new,
Thanks be to God!
THE LORD'S PRAYER (try it aloud twice)
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done; on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.